饲料机械 混合机 脉冲除尘器



Hytherm 保持器独特的设计可确保即使黏性很高的物料,残留也很少,不仅减少了浪费,还减少了更换批次的时间。


Hytherm “先进先出”的加工工艺可确保对物料进行均匀的热处理,从而获得统一的产品质量。

选用 Hytherm 保持器可提高饲料安全性,并降低沙门氏菌污染风险和残留引起的交叉污染。

优化的“先进先出”原则可确保物料得到均匀一致的热处理。通过选配两段保持器,保持时间可高达 240 秒,实现理想的物料处理。

By selecting one to two Hythrem retainers, the holding time can be adjusted within 30-240 seconds, thereby improving the cleanliness and safety of the feed. The principle of 'first in, first out' ensures that all particles receive uniform and consistent heat treatment.

Less residual materials
The unique design of the Hytherm retainer ensures that even for materials with high viscosity, there are very few residues, which not only reduces waste but also reduces the time to replace batches.

Easy to clean
Different batches of materials are easy to clean.

Uniform heat treatment
The "first in, first out" machining process of Hytherm ensures uniform heat treatment of materials, thereby achieving unified product quality.

Feed safety, greatly reducing potential safety hazards in feed
Choosing a Hytherm maintainer can improve feed safety and reduce the risk of Salmonella contamination and cross contamination caused by residues.

Uniform processing, first in, first out
The optimized "first in, first out" principle ensures uniform and consistent heat treatment of materials. By selecting a two-stage holder, the holding time can reach up to 240 seconds, achieving ideal material handling.