饲料机械 混合机 脉冲除尘器

SYTZA 系列间歇式TZA液体添加机
SYTZA series auto-adding liquid machine

微电脑自动控制,添加误差小,罐内液温、液位均可自动控制可配辅助增压装置,避免了停喷时油嘴滴油现象,分别适用于向每批100、250、500、1000、2000、3000, 4000、5000kg混合机内添加液体;主要适用于饲料中间歇式添加各种油脂等液体。

Microcomputer automatic control, with small addition error, the liuid temperature and levein the tank can be automatically controlled.The dynamic control can be equipped withanauxiliary boosting device to avoid oil dripping from the nozzle during shutdownApplicable to each batch of 100, 250, 500, 1000, 2000, 3000, Add liguid to the 4000 and 5000kg mixerMainly suitable for intermittently adding various oils and other liquids to feed.